Monday, June 15, 2009

Business exercise

A business Exercise is something that i had never done earlier in my life. Today i got to know, just how difficult and important the whole task is.
Not being allowed to spend even a single penny from our pockets proved to be the biggest challenge. Hence, we hitch hiked our way to Aundh. A businessman with a Skoda was kind enough to take Nakul, Vaibhav and me (our team) till Aundh. We thanked him, got of and hence began the search for jobs.
The scorching sun made our not so easy task even more cumbersome. Walking from one shop to another in the blazing heat, getting rejected time and again and literally begging for job proved to be quite hectic. After facing several rejections from Child Day Care Centers, Hotels, Learning and Coaching Centers to supermarkets and big restaurants , brought our moral to an all time low. Fatigue, hunger and pressure was felt at a very high level .Not carrying much hope, we humbly asked an ice cream seller and a sweets shop if they would provide us with something to eat. To our surprise, they did, and that immediately lifted up our spirits. As we were greedily attacking the single scoop of ice cream, a smart looking business man was spotted coming for his lunch break.We took a chance and asked him if he had a business in Aundh and if he would hire us for a few hours of work at his firm. He seemed quite reluctant at first but since we were so adamant he gave in and decided to give me a job for a day as a receptionist as she was on leave and he required a helping hand.
I was seated at the reception and given a number of instructions. Each employees extension number was given to me and I was to transfer calls as soon as they were received and identified.
What I thought would be a cake walk, proved to be quite the contrary. Since I didnt know the names of the employees ,I made numerous incorrect call transfers which was not well taken by the office. However, after sometime I got the hang of it and executed my job as was required. Calls kept flooding in and i kept punching extension numbers trying hard to avoid any blunders and tried my best to sound cordial over the phone. Some customers who called, spoke in Marathi which got things more complicated as it was not one of the languages i spoke. However I managed to deal with the situation. Time was flying but it was not passing as quickly as I wanted it to. After two and half long hours, I was finally done. My work was appreciated by all the employees and Mr. Kinshuk paid me Rs.150 for my effort.
Working in an Architecture Firm as a receptionist proved to be quite a challenge to me and what is yet to come in my life will be more challenging. This exercise was a wake up call for me. It truly prepared me and geared me up for my future.

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